Israeli Folding Car Could Revolutionize Parking

An Israeli company has revealed a prototype of a folding electric car that can  contract to a width of just one meter. The two-seater City Transformer has a modular base that is 1.48 meters wide, but folds at the push of a button for parking and easy maneuvering in the city. It takes up just a quarter of the space of the average family car, so four of the vehicles can fit in one parking spot when folded. The CT can travel at speeds of up to 55 miles per hour and can travel up to 124 miles on one charge. The CT is designed for sharing fleets of all kinds, boasting a very small footprint, low maintenance requirements, and efficient energy consumption. The first pilot of CT vehicles for sharing is planned to be introduced in Tel Aviv in 2022CT vehicles are available on pre-order for $180 as the price is set for $13,000 for the basic model, not including the battery and tax.
Drivers in the United States alone spend an average of 17 hours a year looking for parking spots, with New York City drivers being the worst off, spending 107 hours a year trying to find a place to park their vehicle.