Ichilov Hospital Medical Team Provides Life-Saving Equipment and Training to Myanmar Hospital
An Israeli medical team consisting of gynecological medical professionals from Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Medical Center visited a hospital in Myanmar, a developing country in southeast Asia that has devastating infant and maternal mortality rates. Two of the Israeli specialists, whose trips were sponsored by UK-based charity TAG Development, arrived at Pindaya Hospital equipped with donations of an ultrasound machine and vacuum extraction kits, and put them to work while delivering two babies from high-risk pregnancies. These basic pieces of equipment are highly common in Israel, but are difficult to attain in Myanmar, leading to many preventable deaths. In Myanmar, eight women die from childbirth each day and there is an infant mortality rate of 40.1 per one thousand live births—more than 10 times that of Israel. During their visit, the Israeli medical team also taught local professionals about monitoring and detecting common prenatal conditions and methods of treating them.